Friendship is a part of our Life

Today when I woke up and suddenly scrolling  through Instagram find out that ohh…. its friendship day, and then I thought I must write on this day. So as we grow, we find out many people some are friends, some are best friends and others you know....! now what I feel about friends that we must have someone whom with we can share all things all our trouble happiness and all.When we get demotivated they must support us ,They must stand by us in our bad and good times.
I see some people with large number of friends group and then I thought that how blessed they are, but after few days, I find out that all of them do gossip about each other, but why..? because they show that they are friends but they are not,at that time I get to know about the reality of this large groups of friends. But friends must have their opinions clear about each other and no misunderstanding can stay in between them  that’s my opinion by experiencing some of the groups.......your opinions may differ, I just want to say here that choose your friends wisely……because you trust them but they may not be the person what you see
As said in the quotes that friendship is not about who you know the longest it's about who came and never left your side. Friends will stand with you in each situation in your good times and in your problems in your all the times.
What I experienced is that with change in time some people change they left you without saying anything but it's ok it's their choice and you never force someone to stay because with change in time our thinking our expectation changes maybe you don’t know what is going on in their life may they just want their own time or anything we can't judge them leaving is their option and move on is ours. I am not saying that you won't try to contact them or anything but as we grow we change physically and mentally too… make the friends who will leave everyone in a room and find you to talk not the one who comes to you when they need you the most. Because today or tomorrow they will left you don’t expect too much from them.
I know a mantra of friendship don’t expect too much because whenever you expect too much you will get hurt. First start your friendship with yourself because you never left yourself and you will never cheat with yourself because in today's time the real friendships don’t exist, the chit chat talks the good old memories last up to the college up to the school and the day you left with thinking that we will call everyone often that day is the last page of that good old memories. In rare cases, this will not be true but 90-95% of people can relate.
This is not the fault of people but it is the fault of the competition ,because of that we don’t have the friendships like our parents have their friendships with their friends so, this competition creates a feeling of jealousy in between us and that changes the definition of friendship, I read someone’s story today and the story is that we start our college with different friends and we left it with a different one.
In this whole article, I just want to say that choose your friends wisely and take time to become friends because they may be the false ones. whoever is left it’s for a purpose that you don’t know today but you can be grateful for their friendship the time you spend together and move on.
 It's way better to start your friendship with yourself, with books, with your hobbies and you will never get down by them. Books are alive ,whenever you read them they teach you, they direct you. Lastly I just want too say "Choose your FRIENDS wisely and Be true to your friendship always."
 Happy FRIENDSHIP Day To All

-Aakansha Edgar

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