Enjoy the journey towards success

In today’s generation everyone is hungry for the success, but the success is not the only thing which make you achieve, what you want. It is the source to the life that you want to live.

What is the definition of success?

You will find so many on internet. But what I think the success is the formula which contains so many efforts so many failures so many ups and downs and then the effort will equal to the success.

What we experienced about success……!

I just want to recall you that! In our school days having a good score that means to be a success for us for someone it would be the good score in sport or being a good NCC cadet etc. It varies but the competition is there always but we don’t understand it at that time, the question arises as why? So, the simple answer is, that time we were focusing on just ourselves and now we think about the crowd first with whom we are competing. It’s not about competition ever it’s about us how we tackle every exam or how we perform or do we need to take more efforts or it may be any things.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,

this time more intelligently."

 — Henry Ford

In first stroke if we won’t achieve, then it’s really ok to take another chance because now your more known to the things and failure are the medals that teach you, that make you stand, to put more potential in the next attempt and I am so sure that if you give this attempt with more dedication you can perform more than your expectations and the life is just meant to explore to learn. if one door closes for you, then you can search for other one there are so many that you never know they exist and the so many ones that are made just for the potential like yours but it just requires how you handle the situation. It just required a way of looking towards everything, see for pros not for the cons some example that I want to recall you ,

Michael Jordan

It’s hard to believe that the man commonly lauded as the best basketball player of all time was actually cut from his high school basketball team.

Bill Gates 

Bill Gates was a Harvard dropout. He co-owned a business called Traf-O-Data, which was a true failure. However, skill and a passion for computer programming turned this failure into the pioneer of famous software company Microsoft

Steve Jobs
Almost unbelievably, Steve Jobs was fired from the company he began and we all know where he is today.

And there are many more to inspire you today tomorrow and always , I know you know them all but they are not the special kids they are just like us but the way they learn from their failure that what we have to learn, But lastly, I want one thing to conclude that always enjoy the journey you never know what will happen just put your best and leave everything to the rest.

And when you will start Enjoying the journey, towards your aim, then you will never fail.

- Aakansha Edgar

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  1. Very nice....... Smiplicitly explain the concept of success .....


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