Letter To Myself

Remember the day when the lockdown was announced and then today...... This lockdown changes you a lot and now is the point that you are not happy with this shit this thing of being at home this thing of being alone this boring routine life was so good when you feel you are alive there's always someone who understands you now is the point when your silence also stop speaking to your closed ones but you can't quit you have to be strong  sometimes such a moments will come across your journey , you are brave enough to handle this situation now life seems to be more difficult than that I imagined it too be......?

 Today remembering the good old days of school the daily talk, the fun and missing all this as life changed in college ...,we are having friends and all ,but now the things are changed, people's are changed and here you is always constant, you a alone one with so much things to speak up, so much to say and little more to live. 

Hope this lockdown will never come again because now this letter to myself is true for many others who are now feeling alone feeling bored and want a freedom from this Boredom ,but just want to say start enjoying your own company because the world is not always work in the way we see. Knowing yourself, indulging in new work is always good .

Hoping that the good days will again hold our hand, will change our mind too...................!

Yours lovely


-Aakansha Edgar

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