Inspiration Surrounds Us

 The thought came into our mind...! What is inspiration? Because we search it whenever we feel demotivated, it may be a person who is our inspiration ,it may be a superstar, athlete, or anyone it differs person to person. Take an example of parents they are with us in all the situation. We learn from their experiences, we get to learn a lot from their struggles which inspire us ,and whenever we feel demotivated, we recognize their thought… that's the real inspiration. But we never recognize the inspiration we get from our surrounding, our neighbors, what I personally feel that if we see someone as inspiration around us then we feel motivated always, because we see them every day. But do you even heard that the nature can be your inspiration. I don't heard it before, but while writing an article on theme nature for some Magazine that time, I realize that the inspiration surrounds us everywhere. I’ll tell you how...!

"In nature, nothing is perfect

 and everything is perfect.

 Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, 

and they’re still beautiful."

–Alice Walker


Very truly said, and can be applied to our lives too. As 2019-2020 session is a Challenging year for all of us but with the imperfect situation also, we brought it to a perfect one. We face  the  situation  as  said  into  the  quote  nothing is  perfect,  teach  us  to  be  perfect, as  the beautiful  trees  also  needs  to  face  the  autumn  but they  still  look  beautiful  on  their  own  ,  looks  like a  good  hope  and  then  the  tree  again  regenerates  with the  beautiful  new  birth  as  teaches  us that  hope  will  definitely  rise  your  sunshine.

As in the corona situation we all are fought but we win that war together. At the beginning the situation looks uncontrollable but today we won it. And if we compare life with nature, trees are in different shapes but every tree has its uniqueness and no one can take it, another comparison that we can make is, earth is filled with certain amount of water and land as our life is filled with some failures and achievements too. A tree also works as we work for food shelter. Tree work in terms of photosynthesis they also face some fungus as we face stress in our lives but nature never stop. Which give us a motivation to succeed an inspiration to work hard and tell us to be strong in every situation. 

That’s Where Inspiration surrounds us but we are not aware about it. Find your inspiration from nature. Take some time to catch up with your surrounding ,and  I promise you will never regret .There is so much around us but we don't  appreciate it so, start appreciating your surrounding and then you will start learning the untold lessons of your life. start appreciating yourself.

-Aakansha Edgar

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