You set your own definition of Beauty

 After thinking on so much to write or not in this topic finally decided that it is most needful topic to write

don't know how to start don't know how to express the words but as we grow up in our journey we started notching so many things such as peoples opinion then our comparison with others but today the society not accept those who are fatty or extra tall or short or with scars ,pimples , and so many things ,but do you know the reason behind their looks there may be some medical reasons or their genetics are so or some hormonal changes ,how this society people in 2021 that is 21st centaury can judge someone they don't have rights...…I will tell you the truth. 

What happens when you judge someone....,You just say something to them, and then you left but is not about one person to them they listen this words daily their are so many ones just siting their to judge people but your statement can brake someone mentally physically too if you can't appreciate someone then don't curse them because they lost their confidence their self love we are all humans and the phase will change for them too you never know everyone wants to be perfect but it is not necessary that if you are not perfect then you don't have a choice to live.

-Aakansha Edgar

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