It is Always in our Mind


Life is so unpredictable but what we can control is our ability, now you will think how? 
I will explain you all this in this article....!
When we are newborn children we are unknown to this world then we grow up as our parents teach us to walk, to talk........Now THINK for some time that if they have not programmed us to walk we can't if they have not taught us to talk we can't......
how we have learned that? because our parents teach us to do so because we have the trust in our parents that believe so they control us because we can't think for our own at the newborn stage.and then we grow up, we open our mind to know the world and then our surrounding started teaching  us and we blindly trust on them, our mind controls our thinking in that way. 
But no one teaches us to stand by our own to think by our own and then the moment came when our mind started controlling our activities by accepting the opinions we got from the surrounding peoples

I will tell you how?

when we are in school competing with others without realizing our potential we started thinking of them first that how they will perform but we forgot to program our mind to perform better than before now I hope you got my point that how surrounding programmed us to work.
In this article, I am using the term programming why so, because the way humans programmed computers to work in the same scenes our mind also got programmed and then we set our thinking and limitations according to surrounding.

I will share a story of my friend with you that how these things worked which we shared earlier in this article. One of my friend, He set his limit that he is not that good in studies because his friends say so and then he got the marks like that only and then one day he met with a friend and while talking to her he mentioned that I am an average student because the girl he met is so good in studies and then the girl replied him that I don't like your this attitude because what I believe that you can do more than your limits just put your best and then the boy started thinking on the same and then their exams got over and the day of result appeared, the boy got the marks much more than his previous scorecards in the range of brilliant students. I hope you got my point very well that how ONE person BELIEVES change my friend's performance now think that if we started believing in ourselves more than others then the SKY is the limit and OCEAN will be the achievement . 

That's why I say It is Always in our MIND, what we need to do in these competitive world is to Program our mind to think big ,to believe in our goal, not in dreams because we see only dreams but we can achieve a goal. Programmed your mind to never set limit ....hear from peoples but make your opinion and  work on your mind feed it with good thoughts and feed it positively. 

-Aakansha Edgar
(You can share your suggestions and any comments in my contact section also I really love to hear from you )

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